
  • 2012-09-21
  • Ruling Digital


一、富士通奖学金官方资讯: http://www.fujitsu.com/tw/about/scholarship/
1.A bachelor's degree or a degree equivalent to a four-year standard baccalaureate degree in any discipline from a regionally or nationally accredited institution.
2.A minimum TOEFL score of 577/233/90 (paper/computer/Internet), TOEIC score of 750, or IELTS overall band test result of 6.5 or higher from tests taken between November 2007 and October 2012.
3.A minimum of three years of relevant full-time work experience (five years preferred) at the time of application.
四、申请办法: 符合条件者,请迳自去电索取报名简章及表格。
五、联络人:台湾富士通股份有限公司人力资源处管小姐(Milla Guan)
电话:02-2311-2255 ext. 8219