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E-Learning executive master's program in Asia-Pacific Studies

With Asia’s pivotal role in global political and economic activities, the relationship between Asia and Latin America has been closer thanks to globalization. By virtue of Taiwan’s vigorousness in Asia and diplomatic allies in Latin America and the Caribbean, Tamkang University, in accordance with the policy of internationalization, informatization, and futurization, instituted the E-Learning Executive Master’s Program in Asian Studies and recruited professionals from Latin America and the Caribbean to develop Asian Studies and promote international affairs.

Established in 2012, the E-Learning Executive Master’s Program in Asian Studies was renamed to the E-Learning Executive Master’s Program in American and Asia-Pacific Studies in 2015. The program was further renamed to the E-Learning Executive Master’s Program in Latin American and Asia-Pacific Studies in 2018. In 2022, the program was finally titled as the E-Learning Executive Master’s Program in Asia-Pacific and Latin American Studies under the Department of Global Politics and Economics. As the first cross-country E-learning master’s program in Taiwan, our students are from various countries in Latin America. Courses, including Asian cultures, histories, economics, politics, and strategics, are all instructed in Spanish through different online platforms. Students are able to get immersed in acquiring knowledge and interacting with each other in learning.